Monday, October 22, 2012

Now What?

Well, it's been a year since I've blogged. I used to get upset if I missed a week or two. Now, it seems, I don't give a hoot. I weathered a health scare that lasted 7 months. (I'm fine now).
Thinking I was dying fed my "don't sweat the small stuff" philosophy, but so much has gone down that it's challenging to maintain that equilibrium.

My nest is empty (kids grew up and moved out).

I have a new puppy (Polly) which ameliorated Eileen's empty nest syndrome but not mine!

My outlook remains glass half empty.

I don't know anybody who's content. Society is in shambles. Conflict and hatred, bigotry and racism thrive.

Politics in America is more of a demockery than a democracy.

The masses remain dumbed down, misinformed, and fearful.

Republicans continue to lie and cheat in an effort to steal the election (again)! And the democrats aren't particularly successful at bettering the human condition either, though I'd feel a lot happier surrounded by democratic rather than republican neighbors.

The gap between rich and poor continues to widen.

Basically, I think nothing short of an alien invasion will ever unite us, so I'm hoping for one. I feel like a stranger in a strange land. GROK.