Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TRANCE TUESDAY, VI -- Overlapping Representational Systems to Induce Trance

People specialize in the kind of information they process. Most of us are primarily visual, but some of us are primarily kinesthetic or auditory.

If a group of people walked down a city block, and I asked them to describe their experience, most would mention things they saw, some might remember things they felt or sensed, and others might mention something they heard.

For induction, it boils down to this:

1. Create rapport by using a handful of visual terms first to describe an experience that would be congruent for the person. (If the person likes the beach, talk about the beach—watch the waves lap the shore—see wave after wave crest and foam—glance up at the puffy white clouds­­—look at the seagulls floating in the sky). It's validating, and it's called pacing.

2. Then Overlap from visual to kinesthetic. (Glance down at your feet and feel the sand between your toes—the water feels refreshing. etc.) See if the person follows your lead. If she does, she's already in a mild trance. Pursue the experience from a kinesthetic perspective (the warm breeze gently caresses your face, etc.), and she will remain in a trance. If you've created rapport, you can then successfully switch representational systems many times.

It is the switch that alters consciousness and potentially deepens the trance.

You can do this with your children!

Due to unforeseen circumstances (not enough time to devote to my WIP), TRANCE TUESDAY'S will return on Tuesday, February 15th and on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from this point onward.

Until then, Ranting Ed, my alter ego, will try to keep you entertained
Visit, relax, comment.

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