Thursday, November 11, 2010

iLL-Literacy-CAMPUSBUILLD-We Builld Showcase at Ithaca College

     Young men barely out of their teens entertained my wife and me last night at Ithaca College. I believe we were the only seniors in the audience, but we didn't notice until our daughter proudly pointed it out to us.
     iLL-Literacy fuses spoken word, hip-hop, funk, and experimental theater in a unique dynamic blend. Their message was clear. People of color are marginalized. Fear, anger, pain and hopelessness are their burdensome bedfellows. Uncle Tom's cabin is no place like home. Even Dorothy would have to agree.
     ENOUGH. Builld bridges. Students unite. Campuses unite. Resurrect activism. Apathy kills. Rock the world in the cradle of truth. Come together. . .right now. . .over me.
     They blasted us with insight and wisdom as deep as the Bermuda Triangle, which serves to remind us that there are three sides to every story.
     If you want to read something that is considerably scarier than Harry Potter, peruse an anthology of the  psychological profiles of policemen. Warning: You may have nightmares. Ban policemen from schools, not books. Invite wizards.
     To Dahlak, N.I.C., and Drizzletron, the three young men who form the core of the group, I wish you the best of luck, the rosiest future, and the end of your nightmares.

Find them on twitter@iLL_Literacy.

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