Thursday, December 30, 2010


Got a call from Authorhouse.

The Zedland Chronicles/Orphan Running went live as of today!

That means I will be getting my one complimentary ($675.00!) copy within a week, more

or less.

Oh, to hold it in my arms. To caress it. To whisper sweet nothings . . .  

I will cry, fo' sho'.

It sort of feels like giving birth, more or less.

Well, way less. No, I have never given birth, but I have had a kidney stone. ICK! And I

have held my newborn daughter in my arms as the midwife helped clean up my wife, and

when my new baby sneezed, I said, "g' bless ya," even though I don't believe in g'.

There are seven or eight characters roaming through my consciousness now

whose welfare is in my hands, however. And my wife will kill me if I

allow anything serious to happen to any of them, so I have to work around that handicap

and still maintain interest somehow. Damn, a writer's life is one of deprivation and hardship. 

I believe it will be another week or two before The Zedland Chronicles/Orphan Running shows up at and 30-45 days before it shows up on Amazon, Borders, etc. It will be available at authorhouse in all formats for e-readers, too.

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