Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor Day

Today is Pearl Harbor Day. Many of our citizens have no idea.

Who remembers the date of the Oklahoma City bombing, or the year? Was it 168 dead, only?         

We have 9/11 now. A lotta folks still remember that. Though I bet there are already some who'd have to search their memory bank to come up with the year.

There are many other acts of infamy, some old, some new, some commemorated, some not, that have been forgotten.

Who remembers the date of the Kent State Massacre, or the year? Am I alone here? Does anyone else fear the National Guard?

Who remembers the date three civil rights activists from the north were murdered in the south, or the year? One of those three freedom-fighters, Andrew Goodman, was a classmate of mine at Queens College, NYC.

I visualize a time when our calendar will be crowded with days of commemoration
because intelligent people learn from their mistakes, but we don't.

So I won't be waving any flags today because we, collectively, in our ignorance, are as implicit in the perpetuation of these events as the actual perpetrators.
Write on.

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