Friday, December 17, 2010

The "Vent" In Inventor is Rearing its Ugly Head

I'm beginning to hate Twitter. Need it, but hate it. Damn! It's a dilemma. The overwhelming amount of inane tweets are driving me nuts. And, don't promote yourself six times a day. I heard you the first time!

I don't give a shit what you just ate, or what you bought your hubby for Christmas, or what the weather is like in your part of the world unless it's something dramatic like a tsunami, or how many more followers you need to make 200, or that you just stepped in your dog's shit, or that you're about to fly to Atlanta, or that you're hungover and have a headache. I hope your headache lasts a month and keeps you away from my Twitterdom. And I'm becoming bored with people who quote other people. Anybody can Google quotes up the fucking wazoo. Come up with original things to say and you'll get my attention.

And the whole daily god/no god conflict, ad nauseam, is a story without an end, immediately relegated to the slush pile by any editor worth her salt.  I'm an atheist, too, but it's an insignificant part of my life not worth engaging in daily arguments with believers over. If you're gonna do it, at least be witty, tongue-in-cheek, not venomous, like: if ur out of your gourd, you've found god! Hard to hate when you're laughing, and hard to laugh when you're hating.

Laughter is the best medicine, proven to relieve stress. Limit your tweets to witticisms or important and relevant bits of information. Share all your inane shit with your dog who will love you unconditionally in spite of yourself.
No apologies here. 
Your blog might be a more appropriate place to spit your shit.

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