Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hello . . . please adjust to a comfortable sitting position . . . both feet flat on the floor . . . breath in deeply . . . through your nose . . . and imagine . . . inhaling smiley emoticons     . . . blow out . . . through your mouth . . . slowly . . . fully and completely . . . and imagine  . . . actually visualize . . . exhaling frowning emoticons . . . repeat . . . numerous times  . . . your emotional balance . . . will shift . . . with every breath . . . and soon . . . you will smile . . . and begin to feel relaxed.

Hypnotherapy is a dramatic . . . rapid intervention system . . . that can reshape  . . . your feelings of competence . . . and capability . . . With hypnotherapy . . . you can come to the realization . . . that you are responsible . . . for your own realities . . . and can choose to change . . . or re-create . . . your perceptions and beliefs . . . to create . . . a reality by choice . . . This "Consciousness of self" . . . or awakening of awareness . . . this phenomenon . . . is achieved . . . by communication directly . . . with the unconscious part . . . of your mind . . . the part . . . you might call . . . your "Automatic Pilot."

Keep breathing . . . in through your nose . . . out through your mouth . . .

Self-hypnosis is the process of directing yourself into a deep state of relaxation and suggestibility . . . allowing you to "program" your unconscious mind . . . with suggestions to help you experience . . . fewer stress symptoms . . . or to achieve other goals . . . or improvements in your lifestyle . . . The unconscious part of your mind is open to positive suggestions.

Try to delve deeply into this thought: 

. . . Other people perceive you . . . very differently  . . . from how you perceive yourself      . . . inhale through your nose . . . exhale through your mouth . . . Now imagine . . . for just a moment . . . that you had a brief insight . . . into how others   . . . perceive you . . . Imagine . . . that moment of clarity . . . of objectivity . . . that would allow you . . . without any pain . . . to recognize . . . and change . . . anything you discovered . . . that you were less than happy with  . . . and now . . . empowered by your insight . . . calm and relaxed    . . . aware and comfortable . . . you return to the present.

Until next Tuesday, then, when I will describe a simple relaxation technique for self-hypnosis.


  1. So basically we want to tell our subconscious what we want. Do so repeatedly until our subconscious makes it a conscious entity, Right? or wrong?

  2. Basically, yes, but we like to call it the unconscious part rather than subconscious, because 'sub' sort of infers 'less' when,in reality, your unconscious part can be much more helpful than your conscious part.

    In fact, what you want to do, as best you can, is keep your conscious part busy and happy, while you auto-program your unconscious part, which can be effective in terms of actually changing behavior, whereas your conscious part would say "I'll change next week" or, depending on your mood, "Fuck off."
    Thanks for the comment, Jason. I so appreciate it.
